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Fire Research Notes


Thomas, P.H. and Smart, P.M.T., 1955. THE THROW OF WATER SPRAYS. Fire Research Notes 168


This report describes the derivation of an empirical formula expressing the spray throw in terms of the nozzle pressure, the cone-angle of the spray, and rate of flow of water. Most of the data were taken from an American report describing tests made on spray-nozzles for the National Fire Protection Association. Some data were also avrailable from tests made by the Joint Fire Research Organization. The results indicate that the throw of a spray is as much dependent on the rate of flow and the cone angle as on the pressure. All these data referred to pressures between 50 and 150 lb/ but there is some additional evidence that the throw of sprays at pressures of 300 to 600 lb/ is much less than that given by extrapolating the data for low pressure sprays.

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