Dear IAFSS community:
In light of developments related to the coronavirus (COVID-19), and the need to protect our own and extended communities, IAFSS has taken the difficult decision to postpone the 13th Symposium planned in Waterloo, Canada. The new symposium dates will be announced as soon as possible but are expected to be in the spring of 2021.
If you have already registered for the symposium, you are encouraged to transfer your registration to the new dates. Alternatively, you can choose to cancel with a full refund and re-register at a later date. Detailed instructions will be sent to registered delegates as soon as they are finalized.
Corresponding authors for the papers accepted for presentation will expect to receive a separate email in the near future regarding updates on the publication of such and student awards. The symposium will open for new poster and image submission to allow for more recent research work to be presented. All posters and images which have been accepted to the symposium will be transferred and given opportunity to update.
If you have any questions, please first refer to ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ on the symposium website (, which will be regularly updated as information becomes available. Any further questions can be directed to Yi Wang ( or Karen Boyce (
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your kind support.
Best Regards,
IAFSS Symposium Co-chairs
on behalf of the IAFSS Executive Committee
Margaret McNamee –
Arnaud Trouvé –