Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Statements


  • The IAFSS is committed to providing a diversity, equitable and inclusive environment for all of our members and other people and entities that we interact with.
  • The IAFSS expects all members and event guests to conduct themselves in a professional, ethical, and inclusive manner; to treat others with patience, respect, and consideration; and to resolve disagreements in a positive and professional manner without the use of personal attacks. 
  • The IAFSS opposes intimidation, harassment, or discrimination in any form – verbal, physical, written, or visual.
  • The IAFSS is committed to fostering a safe environment for member activities. Behaviour that poses a potential risk to health, safety, and security of members, volunteers, guests, or the Association will not be tolerated.

Policies and Procedures

Any questions or concerns should be directed to the DEI Co-Chairs, dei@iafss.org. All information will remain confidential.