IAFSS Symposium Rescheduled to April 26 – April 30, 2021

Following the previous communications on the postponement of the 13th IAFSS Symposium, we are writing to make the announcement that the new dates of the Symposium will be April 26 – April 30, 2021, with workshops to be held on April 24 and 25. The new dates have been selected based on a careful evaluation of many factors, including the situation related to coronavirus spread and control, as well as the availability of the hosting venues. Authors of accepted papers should have recently received detailed instructions related to the publication of the proceedings. For more detailed information related to the change, please refer to ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ on the symposium website (https://uwaterloo.ca/international-symposium-on-fire-safety-science/faq-2), which has been, and will regularly be, updated as information becomes available. Any further questions can be directed to Yi Wang ([email protected]) or Karen Boyce ([email protected]).   

Thank you again for all your support and hope to see you in Waterloo in 2021!

Best Regards,

IAFSS Symposium Co-chairs, on behalf of the IAFSS Executive Committee
Margaret McNamee – [email protected]
Arnaud Trouvé – [email protected]