Sheldon Tieszen Student Award Recipients Announced

The Sheldon Tieszen Student Awards are sponsored by the International FORUM of Fire Research Directors (, a group composed of the Directors of fire research organizations throughout the world, which aims to reduce the burden of fire (including the loss of life and property, and effects of fire on the environment and heritage) through international cooperation on fire research. The award recognizes excellence in an IAFSS symposium paper in fire safety science by a student making a significant contribution to that paper.


Elias Bearinger, M.S., Awarded for the paper “Localized Heat Transfer from Firebrands to Surfaces” by Elias D. Bearinger, Jonathan L. Hodges, Fengchang Yang, Christian M. Rippe, and Brian Y. Lattimer, Advised by Brian Y. Lattimer at Virginia Tech, USA. 

Mohamed Beshir, Ph.D. Awarded for the paper “Semi-empirical model for estimating the Heat Release Rate required for flashover in compartments with thermally-thin boundaries and ultra-fast fires” by M. Beshir, Y. Wang, F. Centeno, R. Hadden, S. Welch, and D. Rush. Advised by David Rush, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Jian Chen, Ph.D., Awarded for the paper “Why are Cooktop Fires so Hazardous?” by Jian Chen, Yue Hu, Zhigang Wang, Ki Yong Lee, Sung Chan Kim, Matthew Bundy, Marco Fernandez and Anthony Hamins, Advised by Anthony Hamins at National Institute of Standards and Technology. 

Carmen Gorska, Ph.D., Awarded for the paper “Fire Dynamics in Mass Timber Compartments” by authors Carmen Gorska, Juan P. Hidalgo and Jose L. Torero., Advised by Juan P. Hidalgo, at the University of Queensland, Australia. 

Juan Cuevas, Ph.D., Awarded for the paper “Flame extinction and burning behaviour of timber under varied oxygen concentrations” by Juan Cuevas, José Torero, and Cristian Maluk, Advised by Cristian Maluk, Juan Hidalgo and José Torero at The University of Queensland, Australia.. 

Lauren B. Gagnon, Ph.D., Awarded for the paper “Effect of Reduced Ambient Pressures and Opposed Airflows on the Flame Spread and Dripping of LDPE Insulated Copper Wires” by Lauren Gagnon, Carlos Fernandez-Pello, James L. Urban, Van P. Carey, Yusuke Konno, and Osamu Fujita, Advised by Carlos Fernandez-Pello and Van P. Carey at the University of California, Berkeley, US.

Vinny Gupta, Ph.D. Awarded for the paper “Ventilation effects on the thermal characteristics of fire spread modes in open-plan compartment fires” by Vinny Gupta, Juan P. Hidalgo, Adam Cowlard, Cecilia Abecassis-Empis, Agustin Majdalani, Cristian Maluk, and Jose L. Torero. Advised by Dr Juan P. Hidalgo at The University of Queensland, Australia. 

Qi Li, Ph.D., Awarded for the paper “Symmetric modeling of the thermal actions in a structural fire experiment on a long-span composite floor beam in a compartment,” by Qi Li, Chao Zhang, and Guo-Qiang Li. Advised by Chao Zhang, Wuhan University (China) and conducted in cooperation with NIST (USA). 

Andrea Lucherini, Ph.D., Awarded for the paper “Influence of heating conditions and initial thickness on the effectiveness of thin intumescent coatings” by Andrea Lucherini, Juan P. Hidalgo, Jose L. Torero, and Cristian Maluk, Advised by Cristian Maluk, Jose L. Torero and Juan P. Hidalgo at The University of Queensland, Australia. 

Martina Manes, Ph.D., Awarded for the paper “Assessing fire frequency and structural fire behaviour of England statistics according to BS PD 7974-7” by Martina Manes and David Rush, Advised by David Rush at the University of Edinburgh, UK

Karina Meerpoel Pietri, Ph.D., Awarded for the paper “Determination of the critical conditions leading to the ignition of decking slabs by firebrands” by authors Karina Meerpoel Pietri, Virginie Tihay-Felicelli, and Paul-Antoine Santoni., Advised by Virginie Tihay-Felicelli, and Paul-Antoine Santoni at the University of Corsica, France. 

Natalia Flores Quiroz, Ph.D., Awarded for the paper “Developing a Framework for Fire Investigations in Informal Settlements” by Natalia Flores, Richard Walls and Antonio Cicione, Advised by Richard Walls at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. 

Xingyu Ren, Ph.D., Awarded for the paper “Temperature measurement of a turbulent buoyant ethylene diffusion flame using a dual-thermocouple technique” by Xingyu Ren, Dong Zeng, Yi Wang, Gang Xiong, Gaurav Agarwal, and Michael Gollner, Advised by Michael Gollner at the University of California, Berkeley and Dong Zeng at FM Global

Felix Wiesner, Ph.D., Awarded for the paper “Influence of ply configuration and adhesive type on cross-laminated timber in flexure at elevated temperature” by Felix Wiesner, Susan Deeny, and Luke Bisby, Advised by Luke Bisby and Rory Hadden. Work completed at The University of Edinburgh, Felix Wiesner now at The University of Queensland 

Nan Zhu, Ph.D., Awarded for the paper “Transitional flame-spread and fuel-regression behaviors under the change of concurrent wind ” by Nan Zhu, Xinyan Huang, Jun Fang, Lizhong Yang and Longhua Hu., Advised by Longhua Hu at the University of Science and Technology of China, China.