Short review: 2nd European Symposium of Fire Safety Science

The 2nd European Symposium of Fire Safety Science (ESFSS) was held June 15-18 at the European University of Cyprus in Nicosia, Cyprus. More than 70 posters were presented and discussed during five different sessions throughout the three-day symposium. Each session was opened with a keynote lecture by an invited speaker. The five topics and speakers were:

poster esfss
Poster award winner Xinyan Huang (Imperial College, London) presents his peat fire research to conference participants.
  1. Fire Hazards with New Energy Carriers  –  Guy Marlair (INERIS)
  2. Fire Extinguishment in Large Facilities –  Bert Yu (FM Global)
  3. Fire Research for the Fire Service  –  Stefan Svensson (Lund University)
  4. Forest Fire Research  –  Domingos Viegas (University of Coimbra)
  5. Probabilistic Structural Fire Engineering  –  Luke Bisby (The University of Edinburgh)

Posters related to each topic were displayed after the keynotes, followed by an open discussion led by the keynote speakers. Both the open discussion and poster session made it possible to discuss the current state of the topic and on-going research in each topical area. Also, the poster presenters received valuable comments on their research from scholars that had come from around the world to Cyprus. The majority of the around 80 participants were from Europe but there were also participants coming from Australia, Canada, China, Egypt and the USA.

The IAFSS contributed with three poster awards that were handed out after the final poster session at the symposium. The competition was tough because the overall quality of the posters was high. The awards committee did however finally decide on the following three winners:

  • Xinyan Hugan (Imperial Collage): ‘Smouldering Peat Fires’
  • Juan P. Hidalgo (The University of Edinburgh): ‘Thermal Barriers for Combustible Insulation Materials’
  • Jorge Raposo (University of Coimbra): ‘Fuel Spread Across a Fuel Break on a Ridge’

The IAFSS would like to congratulate the  winners and thank everyone that submitted and presented posters at ESFSS! The IAFSS would also like to thank the organisation committee and especially George Boustras (European University of Cyprus) and Bart Merci (Gent University) for a very well organised and inspiring symposium.

The titles of all the presented posters can be found here: