Dougal Drysdale Award for Extraordinary Service to the IAFSS

Award, Eligibility and its Privileges

The IAFSS has many dedicated volunteers who contribute to the health and success of IAFSS. The Drysdale Award honors extraordinary service to IAFSS. The award is selected by the Chair of the IAFSS Committee and is presented at each IAFSS Symposium.

The award is named in honor of Dougal Drysdale, Professor Emeritus at the University of Edinburgh for his many contributions to IAFSS and the fire safety science community. As the author of three editions of An Introduction to Fire Dynamics, the long time editor of Fire Safety Journal, a section editor of the SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, a long time member of the faculty of the University of Edinburgh, and as a member and chair of the IAFSS Committee, Dougal has provided technical, educational, and organizational leadership in our field over his long and productive career. In all his many contributions to our field, his generosity in helping others is always in evidence.

Past Recipients


  • Terry Fay, Hughes Associates, Inc. In recognition of his development of the IAFSS Digital Archives System. Terry was the architect of this on-line collection of over 2000 papers from Fire Safety Science, the Proceedings of the Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, and the Fire Research Notes collection from the old UK Fire Research Station. Terry also spearheaded the integration of Fire Safety Science into the DOI/CrossRef system. These efforts have been an important element of bringing IAFSS into the digital age.


  • Dr Amanda Robbins: “In recognition of her development of a new federated search tool, the IAFSS Fire ReSearch Engine”
  • Dr Ron Alpert: “In recognition of his work leading the English Mentoring Program.”
  • Dr Craig Beyler: “In recognition of his long service to the IAFSS Committee, especially for initiating open access to Association archives, expanding the IAFSS membership, leading the 2014 Nominating Committee, and for mentoring members of the IAFSS Committee.”


  • Yuji Hasemi: “for a long-term commitment to the association and for dedicated work to provide award medals and art works”
  • Terry Fay: “for a long term commitment to the association and for dedicated work to provide award medals and art works”


  • Sue Owen-Wolf: “for years of excellent secretariat services and true dedication to the association”
  • University of Waterloo team under leadership of Elisabeth Weckman: “for organizing and preparing for a traditional conference and then a virtual one being the first organizing almost 2 symposia in 2 years time”


  • Dr. Rita F. Fahy: “For many years of dedicated service, including Editor of the IAFSS Newsletter from June 2014 until her passing in 2023, member of the IAFSS Managing Committee and Membership Advisory Council since 2011, co-chair of the IAFSS Communications & Outreach Committee, and many years of service in support of IAFSS symposia.”
  • Professor Margaret McNamee: For many years of dedicated service, including member of the IAFSS Managing Committee / Executive Committee since 2008, Honorary Secretary from 2014 to 2017, Honorary Treasurer from 2017 – 2023, Trustee since 2018, lead author of the IAFSS Agenda 2030 for a Fire Safe World, 13th Symposium co-chair, and more.