3rd Asia-Pacific Combustion Institute Summer School (APCISS-3) Fundamental Combustion Problems Applied to Diffusion Flames
November 2 - November 7
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Recently, the devastating effects that fires can have on human life have once again been brought to light, and it is evident that there is an urgent need for advancements in fire safety. This includes a better understanding of the fundamental processes governing fires, accurate fire risk assessments, and the development of effective public legislation. Combustion is a key element in this context, and to find sustainable solutions, it is crucial to deepen our understanding of the physical and chemical processes that control unwanted fires. Unfortunately, the number of trained professionals in South America working on various aspects of combustion is insufficient to meet national needs. More broadly, the challenges associated to energy transition and the development and evolution of the local oil, mining, transportation and manufacturing industries also require highly trained professionals. Consequently, providing a forum where early career combustion researchers are exposed to world-class lectures in combustion is still a pressing need for the region.
In this context, the proposed 3rd Asia-Pacific Combustion Institute Summer School – Fundamental Combustion Problems Applied to Diffusion Flames (APCISS-3) will focus on diffusion flames, aiming to bridge the gap between fundamental combustion problems and large-scale fires, as well as turbulent combustion. This year’s school will emphasize the study of diffusion flames, which serve as a critical bridge between fundamental combustion theory and practical applications in both industrial settings and real fire scenarios. We hope this school will equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of fundamental combustion processes and their applications to real-world fire safety challenges, providing them with essential knowledge for developing effective strategies to prevent and mitigate fire associated risks. APCISS-3 will bring together students, academics, researchers, engineers, and professionals working in fire safety challenges. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, the summer school seeks to advance the understanding of fundamental combustion processes by building and reinforcing collaboration networks between different academic and non-academic institutions of international renown along the Asia-Pacific Rim. Following the previous versions of the school, APCISS-3 will have a theoretical and a practical track that will deepen in the covered subjects. The theoretical track will introduce fundamental combustion aspects, with a focus on theoretical topics relevant to diffusion flames and fire science. The practical track will focus on the application of fire science to diffusion flames problems with workshops organized to provide hands-on experience with canonical flames, testing and probing them with laser-based diagnostics. Lectures will be delivered by highly recognized academics from leading institutions worldwide. APCISS-3 is scheduled for November 2 – 7, 2025 in the coastal cities of Valparaíso and Viña del Mar, Chile. For more information, please see the preliminary program