Trustees and Membership Advisory Council
The IAFSS is managed by the 10 trustees, 9 of whom are elected by the membership, and the immediate Past Chair, who is an ex-officio member. The trustees are officers of the organization. As a registered Charitable Incorporated Organization (CIO) in England, at least one trustee must reside in England or Wales.
To coordinate member-facing activities of the IAFSS, there is a Membership Advisory Council (MAC) that consists of 18 members elected by the membership. Starting with the 2023 election, the MAC will have six (6) members from each of the IAFSS’ three regions: Americas (A), Europe, Middle East and Africa (E/ME/A) and Asia-Oceania (AO). The scope of the MAC is to advise and make representations to the charity trustees: to relevant issues or needs within the regions they represent; to appoint from their ranks non-trustee members of IAFSS committees, with the exception of the Executive and Nominating Committees; and to provide representation of, and exchange of information with, organizations which the charity may have professional liaison. The members of the MAC elect from their ranks a Co-Chair of the MAC, who serves with the Vice Chair Membership Advisory Council (MAC) and Symposium Planning Committee (SPC) trustee.
The current lists of Trustees and Membership Advisory Council are provided below.
Executive Committee / Trustees
Honorary Treasurer / Vice Chair Finance
- Prof Albert Simeoni, USA
Honorary Secretary
- Prof Anthony Abu, New Zealand
- Prof Nieves Fernandez Anez, Norway (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion)
- Dr Eric Guillaume, France (Early Career Research Professionals)
- Prof Yuji Nakamura, Japan (MAC & Symposium Planning Committee)
- Prof Arnaud Trouvé, USA (Education)
- Prof Elizbeth Weckman, Canada (Governance & Strategic Planning)
- Prof Jennifer Wen, UK (Research)
Immediate Past Chair
- Dr Brian Meacham, USA

Membership Advisory Council (MAC)
- Dr Natalia Flores-Quiroz, South Africa
- Bronwyn Forrest, Canada (Co-Chair Early Career Research Professionals)
- Prof Rory Hadden, Scotland
- Prof Kazunori Harada, Japan
- Prof Xinyan Huang, China (Co-Chair Outreach & Communications)
- Prof David Lange, Australia (Co-Chair Education)
- Prof Brian Lattimer, USA
- Prof Ken Matsuyama, Japan
- Dr Sara McAllister, USA
- Prof Shuna Ni, USA (Co-Chair Outreach & Communication)
- Prof Thomas Rogaume, France
- Prof Enrico Ronchi, Sweden (Co-Chair Education)
- Dr David Rush, Scotland (Governance)
- Prof Miho Seike, Japan (Co-Chair Diversity, Equity, Inclusion)
- Dr Yi Wang, USA (Co-Chair Symposium)
- Prof Yu Wang, China (Co-Chair Early Career Research Professionals)
- Prof Wojciech Węgrzyński, Poland (Co-Chair Research)
- Prof Felix Wiesner, Canada (Co-Chair Research)