11th Symposium | Registration | Author Instructions | Reviewer Instructions | Call for Papers | Paper Template | Call for Posters & Images
Before submitting, please:
- Review the Author Instructions and ensure you have followed a provided .doc or .tex Paper Template.
- Prepare paper to be submitted in PDF format for peer review.
- Review the page limit (Full paper: 14 pages, Poster abstract: 1 page)
If your paper is accepted:
- You will be required to submit the original .doc or .tex files for submission
- If you use MS Word, do not convert the Word document to a higher version.
The MS Word template was created in Word 2003 running on an MS Windows XP Professional or higher operating system.
- If you use LaTeX, please retain all files (including images, bibliographies, etc.) for submission.
- For both MS Word and LaTeX, all original images should have a resolution of at least 600 DPI.
Paper Submission Instructions
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the EasyChair web page for the Symposium https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=11iafss. After creating your own login account, select “Submissions” to submit your manuscript. Please choose the most appropriate topic area for your submission.
The submission deadline for papers is May 15, 2013. Papers submitted after May 30, 2013, will not be considered. Papers submitted between May 15 and 30 will be reviewed; however, timely submissions will be given preference in determining acceptance.
- The keywords on the submission page need to be entered in separate lines. e.g.,
- fire chemistry
- modeling
- flame spread
- Attach the PDF document of your paper.
For more information regarding the program of the upcoming Symposium, please contact Professor Yaping He (Program Committee Chair) at y.he@uws.edu.au or Professor Arnaud Trouve (Program Committee Co-Chair) at atrouve@umd.edu. For questions regarding the LaTeX template, please contact Randall McDermott at randall.mcdermott@nist.gov.