11th Symposium | Author Instructions | Reviewer Instructions | Call for Papers | Call for Posters | Image Submission
Paper templates are available for the 11th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science to be held on February 10 – 14, 2014 at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. A Microsoft Word (.doc) template and a LaTeX (.tex) template are available for use by authors. It is the author’s choice which template to use for submission, however authors are responsible for all submitted papers to conform to the style guidelines identically provided within both templates.
Download Paper Template
- Microsoft Word Template
- Word Document (.doc)
- Note: this template was updated on 4/9/2013 with a correction to the equation formatting (right justified).
- Note: the MS WORD template was created in WORD 2000/2003 running on MS Windows 2000/XP Professional or higher operating systems. Please do not convert the WORD document to higher versions.
- LaTeX Template
- LaTeX_Template (.tex)
- Note: this template was also updated on 2/3/2014 with a correction to a page break issue before/after section headings.
- Note: this template was updated on 2/9/2013 with a correction to the equation formatting (right justified).
- PDF Example (.pdf)
- Example Image (.png)
Submitting Your Full Paper
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as a PDF, beginning May 1, 2013, through the Symposium author web page located on the IAFSS website (http://www.iafss.org ).
The submission deadline for papers is May 15, 2013. Papers submitted after May 30, 2013, will not be considered. Papers submitted between May 15 and 30 will be reviewed; however, timely submissions will be given preference in determining acceptance.
For more information regarding the program of the upcoming Symposium, please contact Professor Yaping He (Program Committee Chair) at y.he@uws.edu.au or Professor Arnaud Trouve (Program Committee Co-Chair) at atrouve@umd.edu. For questions regarding the LaTeX template, please contact Randall McDermott at randall.mcdermott@nist.gov.