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Submission of Poster Abstracts for Presentation at the 12th IAFSS Symposium

Abstracts (one page) must be submitted electronically as a PDF-formatted file through the EasyChair website for the IAFSS Symposium

Login to EasyChair

Go to: If this is your first access to the EasyChair website, create a new account by clicking “create an account”. If you already have an account (for instance an account that you may have used in past conferences), your name and email address have already been registered with EasyChair. Provide your username and password to login. If you do not know or forgot your login username and password, click “click here” next to “Forgot your password?” and then provide your email address.

Note that you may have multiple roles such as “Track chair”, “Author” or “Subreviewer”. Click “Author” to login as an author. Your role in the Easychair system is shown on the upper left corner of the webpage. You can always change your role by selecting “IAFSS2017” on the top horizontal menu and by clicking “Change role” on the drop-down menu.

Submitting an abstract

Select “New Submission” on the top horizontal menu. Select the track relevant to the main topic of your submission. Complete the submission page:

•            If asked to choose between different tracks, select the Posters Track

•            Check the Terms and Conditions box

•            Enter the author(s) information

•            Enter the title of the abstract

•            Enter keywords (in separate lines)

•            Upload the abstract (in PDF format)

•            Click on the submit button at the bottom of the page

You should receive a confirmation email from Contact the Program Co-Chairs if you do not or if you have any question: Bart Merci ( and Arnaud Trouvé (


DEADLINE: the submission deadline is March 31, 2017.