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Instructions are now available for authors to prepare (pp. 1-6) and submit (p. 6) manuscripts for presentation at the 12th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science (the 12th IAFSS Symposium) ( Manuscript will be peer-reviewed and first evaluated for an acceptance or rejection decision for oral presentation at the 12th IAFSS Symposium. After this first review stage, authors are notified of the decision on presentation and if accepted, are invited to submit a revised version of the manuscript in response to the reviewers’ comments. Revised manuscripts are then re-evaluated (by the members of the Program Committee and occasionally by additional reviewers as needed) and are checked for compliance with both the reviewers’ comments and the formatting requirements of IAFSS publications. After this second review stage, authors are notified of the decision on publication in the Proceedings. See the digital archive at for examples of previous publications in the Proceedings of the IAFSS Symposium.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: For the 12th IAFSS Symposium, and this for the first time, the Proceedings will be published as a Special Issue of the Fire Safety Journal ( Details on the transfer of the manuscripts from the EasyChair website used by IAFSS to the Elsevier website used by Fire Safety Journal as well as details on the composition of the guest Editors team responsible for final publication decisions are still being worked out and will be clarified in the coming few weeks (Fall 2016).

Paper templates as well as submission instructions are available below in both Microsoft Word (.doc) and a LaTeX (.tex) format.  It is the author’s choice which template to use for submission, however authors are responsible for all submitted papers to conform to the style guidelines identically provided within both templates. The author instructions document provides more details on length requirements, 14 pages maximum following the approved format.

Download Paper Template and Author Instructions

  1. Author Instructions
  2. Microsoft Word Template
    • Microsoft Word Template (.doc)
    • Note: The MS Word template was created in Word 2003 running on a Microsoft Windows XP Professional operating system. Please do not convert the Word document to higher versions.
  3. LaTeX Template
    • LaTeX Template (.tex) (Updated 10/9/16)
    • PDF Example (.pdf)
    • Example Image (.png)
    • Note: Due to a change in NatBib defaults, if you do not explicitly set the citestyle to square brackets, \setcitestyle{square}, you get parentheses, e.g., (1) instead of [1] within the body of the text. The LaTeX Template above has been corrected with this change (Updated 10/9/16).

Submitting Your Full Paper

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically as a PDF-formatted file through the EasyChair website for the IAFSS Symposium by the the submission deadline, October 15, 2016. More information is provided on the Manuscript Submission Instructions page.

Contact the Program Co-Chairs if you have any question: Bart Merci ( and Arnaud Trouvé (