We are looking for Research Assistant (RA), Master, PhD students and Postdoc Fellows who have passion to do cutting edge research in SureFire. Positions are open in the following areas
Project website: https://www.bse.polyu.edu.hk/polyufire/index.html
– Fire experiments, and Modelling (contact Dr Xinyan Huang, [email protected]) https://www.bse.polyu.edu.hk/People/Huang_Xinyan/index.html
– Artificial intelligence and big data (contact Dr Fu Xiao, [email protected])
– Communication and edge computing (contact Dr Qixin Wang, [email protected])
Note that
- There is a requirement of IELTS or TOEFL score for non-native English speakers
- Scholarships are available for good candidates, and top candidates can also apply for the (1) Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (annual stipend of US$ 38K); and (2) PolyU PhD Research Studentship (annual stipend of US$ 26K)
- Postdoc Fellowship from PolyU (2 year) and RGC (3 years) are available for top candidates (annual stipend of US$ 50K)
- Exchange students from other institutions who are interested in my research are very welcome, and partial financial support can be provided to exchange PhD student.