What You Will Do
Applications are invited for a position in the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering at the level of Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor in the US System).
This is an exciting opportunity to participate in the further growth of the fire engineering programme in a dynamic and productive department. Research and teaching interests in one or more of the following areas would be an advantage (though applicants with interests in other fire engineering specialties are also encouraged to apply): numerical and experimental study of fire and wildland fire behaviour and suppression; wildfire engineering; fire dynamics, material behaviour in fires, fire safety systems, fire safety design practice, performance-based fire safety design, fire risk assessment or fire risk management. Teaching on undergraduate programmes also possible.
Mōu | Who You Are
Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in a relevant discipline and have a demonstrated record of published research in fire engineering. The successful candidate will have a commitment to excellence in teaching of core courses in fire engineering at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and will be expected to establish a vigorous research programme. The appointee will be expected to supervise final year undergraduate projects, Masters and Ph.D. students, collaborate with others in the University, and to contribute to Departmental, Faculty, and University activities. The appointee will also be expected to develop links with and contribute to the wider engineering profession at local, national and international levels.
Mahi Ngātahi | Who You Will Work With
The successful appointee will have access to a range of research facilities (with technical staff) and expertise in related disciplines. The Faculty of Engineering has just completed a $163 million investment of its engineering specialist laboratory wings and main teaching spaces. Staff and students now have access to some of the best modern facilities and technologies for teaching, learning and research in the southern hemisphere. Every area has been designed with the principles of highly flexible learning spaces, collaborative open areas and engineering on display. In particular, a new fire engineering laboratory with capacity to test fire and structural fire behaviour up to two-storeys high has just been commissioned. Large-scale fire testing facilities are also available from time to time at the Building Research Association New Zealand (BRANZ) in Wellington, through collaborative research programmes.
For more information about our department and team, please visit our website.
Ngā Painga o UC | Why UC
In 2023 UC is celebrating 150 years of accessible education. The past, the present and the future are intertwined. For more information on our 150th Anniversary visit us here.
Ngā Uara | Our Values of manaakitanga, whanaungatanga and tiakitanga guide our decisions and behaviour and provide a roadmap for how we do things at UC, affirming our commitment to pastoral care and support for our ākonga and staff. They challenge and inspire us to be the best we can, and make UC a great place to work and study. For more info on Ngā Uara | Our Values visit us here.
We are committed to accessible higher education, service to the community and the encouragement of talent without barriers of distance, wealth, class, gender or ethnicity. The University explicitly aims to produce graduates and support staff who are engaged with their communities, empowered to act for good and determined to make a difference in the world.
We offer a range of fantastic benefits including flexible work practices, study opportunities and generous superannuation and leave provisions. For more information, please visit us: https://www.canterbury.ac.nz/joinus/benefits/
For more information about Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury, please visit https://www.canterbury.ac.nz/
The salary for this position on the academic salary scale is Lecturer (2.01 – $86,197 to 2.06 – $104,487), Senior Lecturer (4.01 – $109,977 to 4.05 -$124,732), Senior Lecturer Above the Bar (5.01 – $130,223 to 5.03 – $137,769)
The closing date for this position is: 20 July 2023 (midnight, NZ time)
Please note, applications will be reviewed as they are received, and interviews may take place before the close date. Or Please note applications will be reviewed after the close date.
Pēhea te tono mai | How You Apply
Applications for this position must be submitted via our careers website and should include a cover letter and resume.
Please note, we do not accept applications by email, however we are happy to answer your queries in relation to the application process, please forward these to WorkatUC@canterbury.ac.nz
You must have Aotearoa New Zealand or Australian citizenship/permanent residency to be considered for this role. If you hold a valid work visa and are physically present in New Zealand then you may also be considered.