MaCFP Condensed Phase Phenomena
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Gas Phase Phenomena | Condensed Phase Phenomena White Paper | Radiative Heat Transfer Phenomena |GitHub | First MaCFP Workshop | Guidelines for Participation in the 2021 MaCFP Workshop | Experimental Measurements Submitted to the 2021 Workshop: Preliminary Report
The MaCFP Working Group and workshop series was created in 2015 and the call for participation in the first workshop was issued in April 2016. Continuously updated information on the MaCFP Working Group effort can be found at: http://www.iafss.org/macfp/
Following discussions that took place in April 2016, it was proposed that the MaCFP Working Group be expanded to include a subgroup dedicated to the predictive modeling of condensed phase phenomena. A committee was formed to produce a white paper and organize a planning meeting during the first MaCFP workshop conducted in Lund, SE at the 2017 IAFSS meeting.
The program of the 2017 workshop, copies of workshop presentations, and the proceedings that report on the content and main outcomes of the workshop (published in the Fire Safety Journal) can be found at the links below:
Program: https://iafss.org/wp-content/uploads/MaCFP-Email_Annoucement_v3.pdf
Presentations: https://iafss.org/3770-2/
Proceedings: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379711218301814

The purpose of the Condensed Phase Phenomena subgroup is to facilitate data sharing and model development to improve computational predictions of thermal degradation and pyrolysis in fire scenarios. The specific objectives of the subgroup are to:
- Develop standard data set formats for experimental data on pyrolysis;
- Develop requirements for data set quality and establishing a data review committee;
- Incorporate compliant data into the existing MaCFP data repository;
- Create a database of pyrolysis property sets;
- Develop minimum requirements for numerical pyrolysis models;
Organize a pyrolysis modeling discussion group.
Virtual Discussion Forum
Virtual Discussion Forum
A Google Discussion Group for the Condensed Phase subgroup of the MaCFP Working Group can be accessed here: MaCFP Virtual Discussion Forum. The purpose of this forum is to facilitate data sharing and model development to improve computational predictions of thermal degradation and pyrolysis in fire.

Experimental Measurements Submitted to the 2021 Workshop
Experimental Measurements Submitted to the 2021 Workshop
A preliminary report summarizing the experimental measurements submitted to the 2021 Condensed Phase MaCFP Workshop has been prepared. This report contains:
- Brief descriptions of all experiments conducted and test conditions used
- A summary of all measurement data, presented/separated by experiment type and test conditions
- Calculations of error for each dataset
- Calculations of ‘average’ curves / datasets (neglecting obvious outliers)
- A preliminary (brief) analysis and comparison of experimental results
The 2021 MaCFP Condensed Phase Workshop
The 2021 MaCFP Condensed Phase Workshop
UPDATE – Because of concerns and travel restrictions associated with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the second MaCFP workshop has been postponed to April 22-23, 2021, and will take place as a pre-event to the 13th IAFSS Symposium in Waterloo, Canada (http://iafss2020.ca).
The four main objectives of this workshop are listed as follows:
- To catalogue current approaches used to parameterize pyrolysis models;
- To quantify the interlaboratory variability for comparable experimental datasets;
- To assess the impact of the variability of model parameters on predictions of sample burning rate; and
- To present a rigorous analysis of these results in the Fire Safety Journal
Guidelines For Participation
The MaCFP Working Group is inviting the members of the entire fire research community to participate in the second workshop. For information on how to participate, please read the Guidelines for Participation in the 2021 MaCFP Condensed Phase Workshop.
Workshop Agenda (Tentative) Friday April 23, 2001
9:00 AM —Introduction and Overview
9:05 AM —Experimental Results and Data Management
9:35 AM —Discussion: Experimental Results, Future Materials and Experiments
10:05 AM —Model Parameters and Small-scale Modeling Predictions
11:00 AM —Discussion: Small-scale Modeling Results
11:30 AM —Flame Spread Experiments and Next Steps
11:45 AM —Discussion: Flame Spread Experiments and Next Steps
12:00 PM —Workshop Ends

Additional Information
Additional Information
Initial MaCFP white paper (August 2014): click here
Call for Participation in the second MaCFP workshop, published in Fire Safety Journal (Click Here) and Fire Technology (Click Here).
Guidelines for Participation in the 2021 MaCFP Condensed Phase workshop (click here)
MaCFP repository on GitHub: https://github.com/MaCFP
Information on first MaCFP workshop: Program; Presentations; Proceedings
The MaCFP Condensed Phase Working Group Organizing Committee
- Benjamin Batiot (University of Poitiers, France)
- Morgan Bruns (Virginia Military Institute, USA)
- Simo Hostikka (Aalto University, Finland)
- Isaac Leventon (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA)
- Yuji Nakamura (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan)
- Pedro Reszka (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile)
- Thomas Rogaume (University of Poitiers, France)
- Stanislav Stoliarov (University of Maryland, USA)