Fire Dynamics
Enclosure Fire Dynamics
Enclosure Fire Dynamics, taught to the 3rd year Fire Safety Engineering students at Lund University. This site gives an overview of the course with references to the course literature, and gives a large number of problems with answers.
This course is provided by Department of Fire Safety Engineering, Lund’s University, Sweden.
Thermal Ingnition Tutorial
A tutorial by Martin Wheatley on Thermal Ignition is available at the Department of Fuel and Energy at Leeds University. The tutorial starts with background information, then deals with the Seminov and Frank-Kaminitskii ignition theories, gives some worked examples and problems and, finally, discusses real life scenarios. For further information visit the Department of Fuel and Energy website or contact Dr. McIntosh at
Professor Dougal Drysdale: Fire Dynamics
Professor Dougal Drysdale, University of Edinburgh, is one of the worlds leading experts on the subject of Fire Dynamics and Fire Chemistry, and an author of the well known textbook “Fire Dynamics”. He gave a 2 hour lecture at a meeting for young researcers in the field of Fire Safety, at the FIRENET workshop, held in Sutton, near London, 3-5 november 2003. His lecture is divided into three sections as indicated below. If you wish to use this material, or parts of it, please contact Professor Drysdale.
Fire Dynamics 1
Fire Dynamics 2
Fire Dynamics 3
Daniel Gojkovic, Lund University: Qualitative description of Enclosure Fire Dynamics, and Experimental Study of Backdraft
Daniel Gojkovic has worked as a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University, Sweden, since 1998. Currently, he mainly teaches a 10 week course on Enclosure Fire Dynamics and a 10 week course on Fire Chemistry. He also carries out research on backdraft. His contribution is in two parts; firstly there is a lecture on qualitative description of Enclosure Fire Dynamics (from the course mentioned above) and secondly; a presentation of Experimental studies of Backdraft. If you wish to use this material, or parts of it, please contact Daniel Gojkovic.
Enclosure Fire Dynamics
Experimental Study of Backdraft
Lasse Bengtsson: A Study on Flashover, Backdraft and Smoke Gas Explosion
Lasse Bengtsson did his Fire Safety Engineering degree at the Department of Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University. Further, he finished his Licentiate Degree there, on the topic Flashover. He now works at Helsingborg Fire and Rescue. His contribution is a lecture on experimental, statistical and theoretical aspects of Flashover Backdraft and Smoke Gas Explosions. The differences between these phenomena have been a source of confusion for students, this presentation gives a good overveiw. If you wish to use this material, or parts of it, please contact Lasse Bengtsson.
A study of Flashover, Backdraft and Smoke Gas Explosion
Professor Michael Delichatsios: Flame Spread
Professor Michael Delichatsios is one of the worlds leading fire scientists and has for decades worked
at some of the best known fire research institutions. He is currently Professor at FireSERT, the University of Ulster, Jordanstown. His 2 hour lecture is divided into 4 sections; Enclosure Fires; Horizontal flame spread; Upward flame spread; and Wall linings and glazing. If you wish to use this material, or parts of it, please contact Professor Delichatsios .
Enclosure Fires
Horizontal Flame Spread
Upward Flame Spread
Wall Linings and Glazing
Enclosure Fire Hazard Analysis
Enclosure Fire Hazard Analysis, a short course taught at the Department of Fire Protection Engineering at Maryland University. This link provides a PowerPoint presentation of the course. The presentation is also used as a core for a full lenght course taught on the topic, the presentation here represents one part of 8 sections of the full course. The full presentation is still under development, this part is given here as an example of material which can be pooled. [This course will be on-line soon].