Award nominations are due for two prestigious awards that will be presented at the 11th IAFSS Symposium in Christchurch, New Zealand, the IAFSS Best Thesis Award “Excellence in Research” and the Kunio Kawagoe Gold Medal.
- IAFSS Best Thesis Award “Excellence in Research” (PDF) – Nominations due January 7th
- Kunio Kawagoe Gold Medal (PDF) – Nominations due January 7th
- Philip Thomas Silver Medal of Excellence (PDF)
IAFSS Best Thesis Award “Excellence in Research”
Award, eligibility and its privileges IAFSS Best Thesis Award “Excellence in Research” recognises best research dissertation at PhD and Masters levels, in the field of fire safety science and engineering. There are three such Awards for the three IAFSS regions, Europe and Africa, Americas, as well as Asia and Oceania. All theses submitted for examination by 31 Dec 2013 and outside the cut-off date of the 2011 Award (31 January 2011) are eligible for nomination. Each nomination must be submitted by the student’s supervisor, as described below. The Award consists of a plaque and a grant of US$2,000.
Nomination process
The following documents need to be submitted by email by the nominee’s supervisor to Professor Bogdan Dlugogorski, Murdoch University, Australia,, by 7 January, 2014, 5 pm, Perth (Australia) time: • A letter of recommendation by the nominee’s supervisor not to exceed 2 pages; • A pdf copy of the thesis (preferably in English; if not available, in its original language); • An abstract of the thesis in English (no longer than three pages); • A list of publications. The list should comprise journal articles (including those that have been submitted for publication, whether accepted or not), and conference publications (indicating the form of review; no review, by Abstract, by full paper). Publications in preparation or draft should not be listed; • Pdf preprints or reprints of up to three best papers derived from the nominee’s thesis (conference papers can be included). Only one thesis can be submitted for Award from a given University or Institution. When more than one thesis is of sufficient quality for submission for the Award, a preliminary selection must be carried out locally and the nominee’s supervisor needs to explicitly describe in the letter of recommendation the local selection process. If more than one thesis is submitted by a single institution the nominators will be asked to withdraw the submissions voluntarily and explain the reasoning behind the selection. If more than one thesis remains submitted by 7 January (5.00 pm, Peth time) then none of the submissions from that institution will be considered. All submissions will be confirmed upon reception.
Selection considerations
The four criteria used to select the best thesis include Pertinence Is the thesis’ subject matter within the scope of the field of fire science and engineering? Impact Have the results of the thesis been disseminated broadly in top ranked peer-reviewed international journals and conferences? Significance Do the results of the thesis add to our present knowledge? Are there new, accurate, useful and important? Quality Are the methodologies applied in the thesis sound and correct? Is the thesis well written?
Selection body
The recipients of the IAFSS Best Thesis Award “Excellence in Research” will be selected by the IAFSS Awards Committee that consists of Mr Dieter Brein (Chair, The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Craig Beyler (Hughes Associates, USA), Professor Michael Delichatsios (The University of Ulster, UK), Dr Michael Spearpoint (The University of Canterbury, New Zealand) and Professor Takeyoshi Tanaka (Kyoto University, Japan). For the purpose of this Award, the Committee will be assisted by Professor Bogdan Dlugogorski (Murdoch University, Australia).
Past recipients
IAFSS Best Thesis Award “Excellence in Research” was first presented at the 8th IAFSS Symposium at Tsinghua University in Beijing in 2005. Its past recipients are listed below
2005: (Europe and Africa) Susan Lamont, The University of Edinburgh, UK, PhD Thesis; (Americas) Amnon Bar-Ilan, The University of California, Berkeley, USA, PhD Thesis; (Asia and Oceania) Weng Wenguo, Waseda University, Japan, PhD Thesis
2008: (Europe and Africa) Markus Knobloch ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, PhD Thesis; (Americas) Ali S. Rangwala, The University of California, San Diego, USA, PhD Thesis; (Asia and Oceania) Johannes A.W. Dimyadi, The University of Canterbury, NZ, Masters Thesis
2011: (Europe and Africa) Angus Law, The University Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, PhD Thesis; (Americas) Christopher Lautenberger, The University of California, Berkeley, USA, PhD Thesis; (Asia and Oceania) Kai Chen, The University of Newcastle, Australia, PhD Thesis
Kunio Kawagoe Gold Medal
for Outstanding Lifelong Contributions to Fire Safety Science
Professor Kunio Kawagoe
The picture taken by Dr Philip Thomas; it captures well Professor Kawagoe’s character.
Award eligibility and its privileges
Kunio Kawagoe Gold Medal is awarded by IAFSS as a prestigious recognition of life-long contributions to and career achievements in fire science and engineering. The Award comprises Bronze Medal of gold appearance and Plaque. It entitles the recipient to free travel to and free registration at the Symposium, where the Award is formally announced and presented.
Nomination process
Please send nominations, including a justification (up to two pages in length), and contact details of the proposer and the seconder, to Dr Craig Beyler,, by 7 January 2014, 5 pm, Baltimore time. Either the proposer or the seconder must be a member of IAFSS. Self-nominations will not be accepted. A nominee may or may not be a member of IAFSS. Each nomination is confidential and should not be disclosed to a nominee.
Selection considerations
The past recipients of the Kunio Kawagoe Gold Medal made significant and lasting contributions to fire science and engineering through innovation and impact of their publications. Their research findings frequently led to paradigm shifts in fire regulations, in fire standards and in practical applications of fire safety science and engineering around the world. Some trained research students and young fire safety engineers, produced important textbooks and monographs and often dedicated themselves to fire safety education. They were active in international fire safety community.
Selection body
The recipient of the Award will be selected by the IAFSS Awards Committee that consists of Mr Dieter Brein (Chair, The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Dr Craig Beyler (Hughes Associates, USA), Professor Michael Delichatsios (The University of Ulster, UK), Dr Michael Spearpoint (The University of Canterbury, New Zealand) and Professor Takeyoshi Tanaka (Kyoto University, Japan)
Professor Kunio Kawagoe
Professor Kunio Kawagoe pioneered the development and use of scientifically based fire analysis, developing the relationship between the compartment burning rate and the size of an opening (Rb = 5.5·A·h0.5), in a seminal paper on compartment fire modelling published in 1958. His contributions, especially on fuel-controlled compartment fires and the structural analysis of the fire induced effects in columns and beams, laid foundation to modern fire science and engineering, and underpinned the early development of performance-based fire safety design, especially in Japan. Professor Kawagoe was the Director of the Building Research Institute between 1969 and 1973, when he was appointed Professor in the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the Science University of Tokyo. His career included appointments of the Deanship of the Faculty at the Science University of Tokyo in 1980 and, in 1986, the Directorship of the Centre for Fire Science and Technology. He served as an IAFSS Vice-Chairman from its founding in 1985 until 1991. Professor Kawagoe was a role model and dedicated teacher of young fire safety engineers. He passed away in 1994. (Extracted from T Ishii, Fire Science and Technology 14, 1994, pp i-ii, and from In Memoriam, Proceedings 5th Fire Safety Symposium, 1997, p vii.)
Past recipients
The Medal was first awarded at the 4th IAFSS Symposium in Ottawa in 1994. Its past recipients include
Dr Alexander Robertson (1994, 4th Symposium, Ottawa)
Dr Philip Thomas (1997, 5th Symposium, Melbourne)
Mr Harold “Bud” Nelson (1999, 6th Symposium, Poitiers)
Professor Dougal Drysdale (2002, 7th Symposium, Worcester)
Professor Sizuo Yokoi (2005, 8th Symposium, Beijing)
Professor Geoffrey Cox (2008, 9th Symposium, Karlsruhe)
Professor James Quintiere (2011, 10th Symposium, College Park)