New position as Professor/Associate Professor in Fire Safety Engineering at NTNU, Norway

We have announced the position as Professor/Associate Professor in Fire Safety Engineering at NTNU, application deadline 11th of October:

About the job

We are seeking a Professor/Associate professor with a strong background in the field of Fire Safety Engineering covering areas of research related to fire safety in buildings, fire development and fire technology.

Background: Research in fire safety engineering addresses the physical and chemical processes involved in the initiation, growth, spread, and extinguishing of fires. It also examines the interactions between fire and buildings, systems for preventing or detecting fire, and methods for limiting fire’s consequences, as well as evacuation procedures and human behaviour during a fire. With a focus on sustainability in building design, the goal is to develop cost-effective and innovative solutions that minimize damage to people, the environment, and property, ensuring that fire safety measures are both efficient and sustainable.

The position will be connected to the research group of Building Technology at the department, which has educational and research activities in the fields of building physics and technology, sustainable built environment, fire safety engineering, acoustics, and building materials.

The Building Technology research group is leading in the field of sustainable building technology. The research group conducts high quality research with emphasis on topics related to design of smart and sustainable buildings and structures, building technology and construction, innovative materials, advanced building envelopes, building physics, fire safety, environmental aspects, and renewable energy on-site production. The group has strong collaboration with scientists both nationally and internationally. The group offers courses to bachelor, master and PhD candidates. It is expected that the Professor/Associate professor will contribute to the actual courses’ portfolio in fire safety engineering and fire technology. 

The Professor/Associate professor will also take an active role to increase the department’s footprints in the research areas of fire safety nationally and internationally. In that regard, the Professor/Associate professor will contribute to perform research activity within the FRIC – Fire Research and Innovation Centre, in Trondheim ( FRIC was established in Trondheim by RISE Fire Research (, SINTEF (, NTNU, and a number of industry and public partners. The centre is funded by the Gjensidige Foundation ( and partners of the centre, and administered through the Research Council of Norway. The main goal of the centre is improved evidence-based decision-making and solutions for fire safety and fire protection in the built environment.

As part of NTNU’s efforts within the area of sustainability, the Centre for Green Shift in the Built Environment (Green2050) was recently established at NTNU, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Green2050 will deliver on one of the largest and most important challenges Norway and the world is facing. A multidisciplinary approach including digital conversion is crucial to success. It is a goal for the centre to create cooperation and interaction, nationally and internationally. For more information, see Green2050 – Centre for Green Shift in the Built Environment. The research activities of the Professor/Associate professor will also be closely connected to Green2050.

We are looking for a motivated candidate who has proven a scientific track record, relevant teaching experiences, leadership and management experiences from research projects related to fire safety engineering.

Your immediate leader is  Head of department.

Duties of the position

This is a teaching and research position that includes the following duties:

Teaching duties:

  • Coordinate fire courses (e.g., Fire Safety Engineering, Advanced Course, Fire Technology and Fire Safety in Buildings), prepare and deliver lectures and tutorials, and undertake assessment and marking for undergraduate and postgraduate courses
  • Contribute to life-long learning in relevant courses of the research group (e.g., Design of Buildings and Structures, Building Technology, Advanced Course) and develop continuous education
  • Maintain and improve the quality of courses as measured through evaluation instruments to meet industry and educational standards
  • Provide high quality service to students, including academic counselling and advice as well as student supervision (bachelor, master and PhD level)Research duties:
  • Coordinate and perform research activity in FRIC
  • Develop and lead research projects to strengthen the focus towards fire safety engineering and fire technology and increase the competence in the research group
  • Contribute to development of the group’s research and educational portfolio
  • Contribute to the overall research goals of the research group through research proposals and strategic project development
  • Work with colleagues and postgraduates in the development and conduct of joint research projects and applications for competitive research funding support
  • Contribute as investigator (often in conjunction with more experienced researchers) in applications for external research funding, which includes actively seeking, obtaining and managing research funding
  • Maintain an active and effective record of publishing in high quality international research journals, other appropriate refereed publications and conferences
  • Actively develop partnerships by fostering relationships with colleagues, industry, government departments, professional bodies and the wider community to develop research projects with high societal relevance and scientific quality

Required qualifications 


You must have the qualifications required for the position of professor in the field of Fire Safety Engineering, as outlined in § 1-2 of the regulations concerning appointment and promotion to teaching and research posts

  • Scientific experience must be primarily in the field of fire safety engineering, fire development and fire technology
  • Documented ability to attract research funding through national and international funding instruments and project management
  • International collaborations
  • Good presentation skills in English, both written and spoken
  • In addition to the requirements for basic educational competence, you must also document:
    • The development of the quality of your own teaching and supervision of students over time
    • Broad experience as a supervisor, preferably at a master’s/PhD level
    • Participation in improving the quality of education in a professional environment

Associate professor: 

You must have the qualifications required for the position of Associate Professor in the field of Fire Safety Engineering, as outlined in the regulations concerning appointment and promotion to teaching and research posts 

  • PhD, or comparable academic work, must be within the field of fire safety engineering, fire development and fire technology
  • Potential to attract research funding commensurate with career stage
  • International experience
  • Good presentation skills in English, both written and spoken


Applicable to all:  

You must document relevant basic competence in teaching and supervision at a university/higher education-level, as referenced in the Norwegian national Regulations. If this cannot be documented, you will be required to complete an approved course in university pedagogy within two years of commencement. NTNU offers qualifying courses. 

New employees who do not speak a Scandinavian language by appointment is required, within three years, to demonstrate skills in Norwegian or another Scandinavian language equivalent to level three of the course for Norwegian for speakers of other languages at the Department of Language and Literature at NTNU.  

Preferred qualifications

  • Applicants with teaching experience in fire safety engineering, fire technology, wooden materials/timber structures and their performance in fire from higher education/university level
  • Applicants with experience in in-field experimental and laboratory work or experimental activities in fire safety engineering and fire technology
  • Applicants with the ability to complement and bring a new research dimensions to the Building Technology research group
  • Applicants with a documented track record of research excellence through publications in high impact journals, H-Index
  • Applicants with interest/experience to develop deep learning approaches and digitalization techniques in fire safety engineering and fire technology
  • Applicants with Scandinavian language skills

Personal qualities

  • Honesty, moral integrity and high human values
  • Passionate about scientific research and teaching
  • Ability to work independently and within a group
  • Motivation to work in interdisciplinary teams

We offer 

Application Process

You can find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here.

Salary and conditions

As Associate Professor (Code 1011) you are normally paid from gross 740 00 NOK – 920 000 NOK per annum before tax, depending on qualifications and seniority. Professor (code 1013) you are normally paid from gross 800 000 NOK – 1 200 000 NOK per annum before tax, depending on qualifications and seniority. As required by law, 2% of this salary will be deducted and paid into the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.

The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants, and the acts relating to Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology. Candidates who by assessment of the application and attachment are seen to conflict with the criteria in the latter law will be prohibited from recruitment to NTNU.   

After the appointment you must assume that there may be changes in the area of work. 

It is a prerequisite you can be present at and accessible to the institution on a daily basis. 

About the application

Your application and supporting documentation must be in English. 

Publications and other scientific work must follow the application. Please note that your application will be considered based solely on information submitted by the application deadline. You must therefore ensure that your application clearly demonstrates how your skills and experience fulfil the criteria specified above.

If, for any reason, you have taken a career break or have had an atypical career and wish to disclose this in your application, the selection committee will take this into account, recognizing that the quantity of your research may be reduced as a result.

Your application must include:

  • CV, diplomas, and certificates
  • A teaching portfolio, in which your teaching competence is compiled and presented systematically,   (See guidelines for applicants: Documentation of teaching qualifications in applications and appointments to academic positions at NTNU)
  • Academic works – published or unpublished – that you wish to be considered during assessment of your application (up to 10 items)
  • A description of the scientific/artistic works you consider most relevant, which you particularly wish to be factored into the assessment (up to 3 items)
  • A list of your previous works, with details on where they have been published (up to 3 items)
  • A research plan (1-2 pages of A4 maximum)
  • Details of projects for which you have served as project manager, including information on financing, duration, and scope
  • Names and contact information for three relevant referees

You are encouraged to use the Universities Norway’s NOR-CAM toolbox as a guide for  documentation of your competence.

Joint work will also be considered. If it is difficult to identify your specific input to a joint project, you must include evidence of your contributions.

In the evaluation of which candidate is best qualified, emphasis will be placed on education, experience and personal and interpersonal qualities. Motivation, ambitions, and potential will also count in the assessment of the candidates. Our assessment of the pedagogical skills will be based on documented pedagogical material, forms of presentation in your academic works, teaching experience, PhD, and Masters supervision, and any other relevant pedagogical background. Both quality and scope will be taken into consideration, and an open scientific practice will be recognized.

NTNU is obliged by the evaluation criteria for research quality in accordance with The San Fransisco Declaration on Research Assessment – DORA and The obligations in the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment ( CoARA) on responsible assessment of research and recognition of a  wider range of academic contributions to science and society. This means that we will pay particular attention to the quality and academic range demonstrated by your scientific work to date. We will also pay attention to research leadership and participation in research projects. Your scientific work from the last five years will be given the most weight.

Your application will be considered by an expert committee. Candidates of interest will be invited to an interview, and to deliver a trial teaching session.

General information

NTNU believes that inclusion and diversity is a strength. We want our faculty and staff to reflect Norway’s culturally diverse population and we continuously seek to hire the best minds. This enables NTNU to increase productivity and innovation, improve decision making processes, raise employee satisfaction, compete academically with global top-ranking institutions and carry out our social responsibilities within education and research. NTNU emphasizes accessibility and encourages qualified candidates to apply regardless of gender identity, ability status, periods of unemployment or ethnic and cultural background.

NTNU is working actively to increase the number of women employed in scientific positions and has a number of resources to promote equality


The city of Trondheim is a modern European city with a rich cultural scene. Trondheim is the innovation capital of Norway with a population of 200,000. The Norwegian welfare state, including healthcare, schools, kindergartens and overall equality, is probably the best of its kind in the world. Professional subsidized day-care for children is easily available. Furthermore, Trondheim offers great opportunities for education (including international schools) and possibilities to enjoy nature, culture and family life and has low crime rates and clean air quality.


As an employee at NTNU, you must continually maintain and improve your professional development and be flexible regarding any organizational changes.

A public list of applicants with name, age, job title and municipality of residence is prepared after the application deadline. If you want to reserve yourself from entry on the public applicant list, this must be justified. Assessment will be made in accordance with current legislation. You will be notified if the reservation is not accepted.

For the sake of transparency, candidates will be given the expert evaluation of their own and other candidates. As an applicant you are considered part of the process and is stipulated to rules of confidentiality.

If you have If you have any questions about the position, please contact Associate Professor Gabriele Lobaccaro, telephone +47 91813568, email or Professor Anne Steen-Hansen, e-mail

If you have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact Senior Executive Officer HR, Tone Måsøval Arntzen, e-mail:

If you think this looks interesting and in line with your qualifications, please submit your application electronically via with your CV, diplomas and certificates attached. Applications submitted elsewhere will not be considered. Upon request, you must be able to obtain certified copies of your documentation. 

Application deadline: 11.10.2024

NTNU – knowledge for a better world

NTNU – knowledge for a better world

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) creates knowledge for a better world and solutions that can change everyday life.

New PhD position at NTNU, Norway

At NTNU we have announced a new PhD position in Fire safety and computational modelling (CFD) of fires in wooden buildings.

About the job

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.

At the Department of Energy and Process Engineering we have a vacancy for a PhD position within fire safety and fire development in buildings with wooden surfaces. 

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. 

Background: Timber can be used as a structural and decorative material in both small and large buildings. It has many advantages and is increasingly popular. Buildings with timber structures can contribute to fulfil some of the sustainable development goals set up by the United Nations. On the other hand, wood is combustible and can contribute to the growth and spread of fires in buildings. More knowledge is needed to better understand the development of a fire, its interaction with ventilation and wood surfaces, and the possibilities of mitigation and suppression.

The results of the PhD-project shall lead to more fire safe use of wood in buildings. The project will build on experiences from previous work in this field, including previous FRIC projects. 

The project work will have emphasis on computational work, i.e., investigations using CFD and development of submodels. A focus will be on the interactions between fire development and ventilation of the compartment. It will include collaboration and participation in experimental work. Close collaboration and communication with relevant actors in the FRIC network are required to optimize the impact of the work in the relevant areas. The exact problem specification will be made in cooperation with the supervisors.

The PhD candidate will work within the research activity Fire development and suppression in FRIC – Fire Research and Innovation Centre, in Trondheim ( FRIC was established 2019 in Trondheim by RISE Fire Research (, SINTEF (, NTNU, and a number of industry and public partners. The centre is funded by the Gjensidige foundation ( and partners of the centre, and administered through the Research Council of Norway. The main goal of the centre is improved evidence-based decision-making and solutions for fire safety and fire protection in the built environment.

Your immediate leader is Professor Ivar S. Ertesvåg (

Duties of the position

  • Engage in theoretical research, computational and practical experimental work.
  • Perform mandatory coursework as part of the PhD-education. 
  • Plan and execute comprehensive, independent research under supervision.
  • Interact and collaborate with researchers and FRIC partners. 
  • Communicate results effectively through research journal publications, conference presentations and other forms of communication to a diverse range of audiences. 
  • Submit and defend a doctoral thesis.

Required selection criteria

  • You must have a professionally relevant background in mechanical or civil engineering, fire safety engineering or related equivalent education.
  • Experience in computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
  • Your education must correspond to a five-year Norwegian degree program, where 120 credits are obtained at master’s level.
  • You must have a strong academic background from your previous studies and an average grade from the master’s degree program, or equivalent education, which is equal to B or better compared with NTNU’s grading scale. If you do not have letter grades from previous studies, you must have an equally good academic basis. If you have a weaker grade background, you may be assessed if you can document that you are particularly suitable for a PhD education.
  • Master’s students can apply.
  • You must meet the requirements for admission to the faculty’s doctoral program.
  • Good written and oral English language skills. 

The appointment is to be made in accordance with Regulations concerning the degrees of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) and Philosodophiae Doctor (PhD) in artistic research national guidelines for appointment as PhD, post doctor and research assistant 

Preferred selection criteria

  • Experience from work fire safety engineering.
  • Experience from work on combustion and other work directly relevant for the PhD project.
  • Experience in implementing/modifying sub-models in CFD code.
  • Some experience with laboratory or experimental activities.
  • Good written and oral Norwegian/Scandinavian language skills .

Personal characteristics

The candidate should:

  • Be positive and motivated.
  • Have good communication skills, regarding both scientific results and in project collaboration.
  • Be able to work independently as well as in team.
  • Focused, hardworking and systematic.
  • Creative, good at finding solutions.

Emphasis will be placed on personal and interpersonal qualities.

We offer

Salary and conditions

As a PhD candidate (code 1017) you are normally paid from gross NOK 532 200 per annum before tax, depending on qualifications and seniority. From the salary, 2% is deducted as a contribution to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.

The period of employment is 3 years.

Appointment to a PhD position requires that you are admitted to the PhD programme in Engineering, within three months of employment, and that you participate in an organized PhD programme during the employment period.


The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants, and the acts relating to Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology. Candidates who by assessment of the application and attachment are seen to conflict with the criteria in the latter law will be prohibited from recruitment to NTNU. After the appointment you must assume that there may be changes in the area of work.

The position is subject to external funding.

It is a prerequisite you can be present at and accessible to the institution daily.

About the application

The application and supporting documentation to be used as the basis for the assessment must be in English or Norwegian.

Publications and other scientific work must be attached to the application. Please note that your application will be considered based solely on information submitted by the application deadline. You must therefore ensure that your application clearly demonstrates how your skills and experience fulfil the criteria specified above.

The application must include: 

  • CV and certificates
  • Transcripts and diplomas for bachelor’s and master’s degrees. If you have not completed the master’s degree, you must submit a confirmation that the master’s thesis has been submitted.
  • A copy of the master’s thesis. If you recently have submitted your master’s thesis, you can attach a draft of the thesis. Documentation of a completed master’s degree must be presented before taking up the position.
  • A description (1-2 pages) of ‘Ideas for research approach’ including preferred focus areas and suggested methods.
  • A description (1 – 2 pages) of your experience with CFD, including examples of cases and type/name of code.
  • Name and contact information of three referees.
  • If you have publications or other relevant research work.

If all, or parts, of your education has been taken abroad, we also ask you to attach documentation of the scope and quality of your entire education, both bachelor’s and master’s education, in addition to other higher education. Description of the documentation required can be found here. If you already have a statement from Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills, please attach this as well.

We will take joint work into account. If it is difficult to identify your efforts in the joint work, you must enclose a short description of your participation.

In the evaluation of which candidate is best qualified, emphasis will be placed on education, experience and personal and interpersonal qualities. Motivation, ambitions, and potential will also count in the assessment of the candidates. 

NTNU is committed to following evaluation criteria for research quality according to The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment – DORA.

General information

Working at NTNU

NTNU believes that inclusion and diversity is our strength. We want to recruit people with different competencies, educational backgrounds, life experiences and perspectives to contribute to solving our social responsibilities within education and research. We will facilitate for our employees’ needs.

NTNU is working actively to increase the number of women employed in scientific positions and has a number of resources to promote equality. 

Department of Energy and Process Engineering has established EPT Women in Science. The group is focused on supporting female PhD Candidates, Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Assistants and permanent academic employees within the Department. This support aims to help develop the careers of female PhD Candidates, Postdocs and Research Assistants, and is also made visible to our student body to encourage them to consider an academic path. As part of the EPT Women in Science initiative we are building an international network, inviting prominent female academics within and beyond the field of Engineering to speak at our events.


The city of Trondheim is a modern European city with a rich cultural scene. Trondheim is the innovation capital of Norway with a population of 200,000. The Norwegian welfare state, including healthcare, schools, kindergartens and overall equality, is probably the best of its kind in the world. Professional subsidized day-care for children is easily available. Furthermore, Trondheim offers great opportunities for education (including international schools) and possibilities to enjoy nature, culture and family life and has low crime rates and clean air quality.


As an employee at NTNU, you must at all times adhere to the changes that the development in the subject entails and the organizational changes that are adopted.

A public list of applicants with name, age, job title and municipality of residence is prepared after the application deadline. If you want to reserve yourself from entry on the public applicant list, this must be justified. Assessment will be made in accordance with current legislation. You will be notified if the reservation is not accepted.

If you have any questions about the position, please contact Professor Ivar S. Ertesvåg, email: If you have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact Ingrid Wiggen, e-mail:

If you think this looks interesting and in line with your qualifications, please submit your application electronically via with your CV, diplomas and certificates attached. Applications submitted elsewhere will not be considered. Upon request, you must be able to obtain certified copies of your documentation.  

Application deadline: 04.10.24


Lecturer in Fire Safety Engineering at University of Queensland—School-of-Civil-Engineering–Faculty-of-EAIT_R-37529?q=civil

About UQ

As part of the UQ community, you will have the opportunity to work alongside the brightest minds, who have joined us from all over the world, and within an environment where interdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged.

At the core of our teaching remains our students, and their experience with us sets a foundation for success far beyond graduation. UQ has made a commitment to making education opportunities available for all Queenslanders, regardless of personal, financial, or geographical barriers.

As part of our commitment to excellence in research and professional practice in academic contexts, we are proud to provide our staff with access to world-class facilities and equipment, grant writing support, greater research funding opportunities, and other forms of staff support and development.

About This Opportunity 

We are seeking a Lecturer with a strong background in Fire Safety Engineering but who can contribute towards our overall teaching and research excellence in general civil engineering and structural engineering.

This exciting opportunity as a Level B Lecturer will see the successful applicant teaching into the undergraduate and postgraduate engineering coursework programs, providing supervision to Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students, and contributing to the further development of programs within the School. In addition, the role is expected to undertake research in the area of fire safety engineering and collaborate in research with other groups within the School, the wider university and industry.

Key responsibilities will include: 


  • Contribute to the development of new programs and course material in fire engineering, by consulting with program advisors and stakeholders, ensuring courses are engaging, relevant and contemporary.
  • Teach across different settings and actively contribute towards educational practice and innovative curriculum design including online learning and alternative teaching methods. It is expected this role would be capable of teaching into other core civil engineering courses (e.g., structural engineering).
  • Coordinate courses, prepare and deliver lectures and tutorials, and undertake assessment and marking for undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
  • Maintain and improve the quality of courses as measured through evaluation instruments to meet industry and educational standards.
  • Provide high quality service to students, including academic counselling and advice.
  • Understand and apply University Rules relevant to teaching and learning practice.


  • Develop an independent and/or team research program to achieve national recognition and impact in the research area.
  • Work with colleagues and postgraduates in the development and conduct of joint research projects and applications for competitive research funding support.
  • Contribute as chief investigator role (often in conjunction with more experienced researchers) in applications for external research funding, which includes actively seeking, obtaining and managing research funding.
  • Maintain an active and effective record of publishing in high quality national research journals, other appropriate refereed publications and conference publications.
  • Review and draw upon best practice research methodologies.
  • Prepare research publications and progress reports and participate in regular meetings to discuss project objectives, methodology and outcomes.

Supervision and Researcher Development

  • Contribute to the supervision of Honours and Higher Degree by Research students.
  • Recruitment, selection and onboarding of appropriately qualified employees in accordance with University policy and procedures.
  • Manage employee performance and conduct by providing coaching, feedback and training through probation, annual performance appraisal and regular meetings with employees.
  • Work to promptly resolve conflict and grievances when they arise in accordance with University policy and procedures.
  • Ensure employees remuneration and benefits are correct and liaise with Human Resources when a change occurs.

Citizenship and Service

  • Actively develop partnerships by fostering relationships with colleagues, industry, government departments, professional bodies and the wider community.
  • Show leadership of self and others through mentoring and collaboration.
  • Efficiently manage allocated internal service roles and processes, including participation in decision-making and service on relevant committees.
  • Effectively perform a range of administrative functions as required.
  • Provide support to other academic positions as needed and during absences.
  • Consistently demonstrate the UQ values.

This is a teaching & research position. Further information can be found by viewing UQ’s Criteria for Academic Performance.

This is a full-time (100%), continuing position at an Academic level B. The full-time equivalent base salary will be in the range $108,201.26 – $128,201.75, plus a generous super allowance of up to 17%. The total FTE package will be up to $126,595.47 – $149,996.05 annually. As these roles are covered by an Enterprise Agreement, you will also receive regular remuneration increases in line with the Enterprise Agreement.

The greater benefits of joining the UQ community are broad:  from being part of a Group of Eight university, to recognition of prior service with other Australian universities, up to 26 weeks of paid parental leave, 17.5% annual leave loading, flexible working arrangements including hybrid on site/WFH options and flexible start/finish times, and genuine career progression opportunities via the academic promotions process.

About You  

Applicants should possess a PhD in the area of Fire Safety Engineering, Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, or an equivalent discipline.  Research interests in fire may include, fire dynamics, wildland fires, structural fire safety, human behaviour in fire, transport fire safety, material engineering, and other areas of fire safety engineering and science.  Additionally, you will demonstrate:

  • Expert knowledge in a relevant discipline and ability to develop innovative research programs in the field of Fire Safety Engineering
  • A growing profile in teaching and research in the discipline area.
  • A developing reputation and track record of publications in reputed refereed journals and presenting at conferences.
  • Evidence of successfully seeking, obtaining and managing external research funding.
  • Evidence of a high level of quality teaching at undergraduate, Honours and postgraduate level across a variety of settings, including small and large groups.
  • Experience in course coordination and contribution to the development and continuous innovation of new programs, curriculum design and course material in the discipline area.
  • A growing record of supervision of Honours and Research Higher Degree students to successful completion.
  • Experience in meaningful internal service roles in conjunction with active contributions to external activities.

In addition, the following mandatory requirements apply:

  • Work Rights: Visa sponsorship may be available for this appointment. 
  • Background Checks: All final applicants for this position may be asked to consent to a criminal record check. Please note that people with criminal records are not automatically barred from applying for this position. Each application will be considered on its merits. 

Relocating from interstate or overseas? We will support you with the visa sponsorship process and a relocation support package. You can find out more about life in Australia’s Sunshine State here.


For more information about this opportunity, please contact Professor Tom Baldock. For application queries, please contact stating the job reference number (below) in the subject line.

Want to Apply? 

All applicants must upload the following documents in order for your application to be considered:

  • Resume
  • Cover letter
  • Responses to the ‘About You’ section

Other Information 

At UQ we know that our greatest strengths come from our diverse mix of colleagues, this is reflected in our ongoing commitment to creating an environment focused on equity, diversity and inclusion.  We ensure that we are always attracting, retaining and promoting colleagues who are representative of the diversity in the broader community, whether that be gender identityLGBTQIA+cultural and/or linguisticAboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples, or people with a disability. Accessibility requirements and/or adjustments can be directed to

If you are a current employee (including casual staff and HDR scholars) or hold an unpaid/affiliate appointment, please login to your staff Workday account and visit the internal careers board to apply for this opportunity. Please do NOT apply via the external job board.

Applications close on Wednesday 8 May 2024 at 11.00pm AEST (R-37529).

Notice of Plans for IAFSS General Meeting, Part 2

Dear IAFSS Member,

I trust you are doing well. I am writing with information about the 2021 IAFSS General Meeting, Part 2, which will be held on 30 April 2021, 13:00 UTC.  The draft agenda for the meeting can be found here.

First, thank you to those who were able to join us on 24 March 2021 for Part 1 of the 2021 IAFSS General Meeting (GM).  This was our first ever virtual GM, and although we had a few minor glitches, the meeting went well. The draft minutes for the GM Part 1 are attached to the draft agenda for the GM Part 2.  As you will see, the proposed amendments to the Rules of the Association were approved, which formally allows us to proceed with a virtual GM Part 2. Click here to view the Rules of the Association.

As previously noted, we are changing the procedures for the GM Part 2, taking into account lessons learned and experiences gained from the GM Part 1, and aiming for a more interactive meeting.

  • To limit the potential for non-members to join the meeting, all eligible members will be required to pre-register to attend the meeting. You will need to contact the Secretariat to pre-register. Upon verification of eligibility, you will be sent a meeting link and password.
  • To assist us in checking attendees against our membership list, when logging into the meeting, please enter using your name in English as it correlates to your membership application.
  • Since the meeting time is limited, please try to log in five (5) minutes prior to the start of the GM. Please check your hardware and connections prior to the meeting time.
  • As with the GM Part 1, we are aiming to have any action required for voting to be presented in a form that votes can be simple ‘approve / disapprove / abstain’ where possible.  This is largely driven by the limited time for discussion and the time allotted for the meeting.
  • In the case where there is a vote that requires a choice between options (for example, if there are three candidates for Scrutineer and only two positions available), each option will be voted on separately, and the options receiving the highest vote counts will be taken as approved.
  • Details of actions requiring votes, as initiated by the Committee, will be posted to the IAFSS website by 17 April for review, and as appropriate, to allow time to submit proxy votes by members who cannot attend the 30 April meeting. It is expected that this will include:
    • Approval of past minutes of General Meetings of the Association (14 June 2017 and 24 March 2021)
    • Approval of the Treasurer’s report
    • Nominees for Honorary Auditors of the Association (two positions)
    • Nominees for Scrutineers of the Association (two positions)
  • Because time for discussion in the virtual GM Part 2 will be limited, any member who nominates members for the position of Honorary Auditor or Scrutineer, or proposes any action that will require a vote, or wishes to raise an item for discussion under Any Other Business, must provide text of the item in writing to the Honorary Secretary no later than 13 April 2021. This is to allow time for review, confirmation, and posting of the item by 17 April, and if needed, time to permit submittal of proxy votes by members who cannot attend. 
  • Due to time limitations, a maximum of five (5) minutes will be allotted for questions / discussion on any agenda item.
  • Proxy voting forms, for those unable to attend, will be available on 17 April, once items for voting have been identified and confirmed.  Note that it is intended to simplify the proxy form such that proxy votes will be given to the Honorary Secretary, unless another person is specifically designated. If another person is designated, confirmation is required from the designee, in advance of the GM, that they (a) agree to serve as proxy and (b) confirm that they will be in attendance at the meeting.  This is to help assure that the proxy vote will be delivered and counted appropriately.

As a member, your participation in General Meetings and your vote on issues of importance to the Association is critically important.  We ask that all who can attend and participate do so.  For those unable to attend, and who would like to exercise their right to vote, you are asked to provide your proxy vote to the Honorary Secretary no later than 27 April.

Also, we appreciate that options for voting and discussion remain somewhat limited. However, we have presented a more flexible and participative arrangement for Part 2 of the GM, within the limitations of time and technology being used. Developing a more robust on-line GM approach for future meetings will be an action on the Committee going forward.

Again, thank you for your understanding and flexibility, and if you have questions for clarification, or comments on what has been proposed, please let me know. Thank you.

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Meacham
IAFSS Honorary Secretary ad interim