Enclosure Fire Dynamics

Dr. Björn Karlsson has been very nice to share his teaching material which is based on the textbook Enclosure Fire Dynamics (EFD). Dr. Karlsson, Dr. Quintiere and his former colleagues at Lund University have, over more than a decade, developed a lot of teaching material used to accompany the textbook. In the year 2000 Dr. Karlsson developed a distance learning course using the material. There are a number of courses being taught where the EFD textbook serves as main course literature. One is taught at Lund University, Sweden. Another is given at Luleå University, in the North of Sweden.

The course material can be used in a normal on-site course or as a distance course. In Luleå the material is used in a 4 month course where one lecture (2 hours) is given per week. The students also have 2-4 hours tutorials per week, they hand in homework assignments and perform lab work and computer lab work during the course. There is a 5 hour written exam at the end of the course.

The material available is:

  1. PowerPoint for each chapter
  2. Reading instructions for each chapter (outlining what is important, what examples to calculate and which problems to solve, etc.)
  3. Overview of each chapter (a few pages of text, equations and figures, explaining the main points of each chapter)
  4. Homework assignments
  5. Laboratory description for a Cone Calorimeter lab and a PowerPoint of the lab
  6. Compilation of equations tables and figures (used for written tests, if the textbook EFD is not allowed in the test)

The material is complemented with computer labs with FDS and CFAST. But, a part from that and videos of the lectures  is this the material that makes up the distance learning course.

It has been possible to provide members in the IAFSS with this material thanks to Dr. Björn Karlsson. If you have comments on the material please contact bjorn@mvs.is. For website issues, please contact webmaster@iafss.org.